Norah Dunphy oedd y fenyw gyntaf i dderbyn gradd ‘Bachelor of Architecture’ ym Mhrydain.
Roedd hi’n dod o Landudno yn wreiddiol, a mynychodd Ysgol John Bright yno. Wedi iddi adael yr ysgol, astudiodd hi bensaernïaeth ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl o dan diwtoriaeth Professor Charles Reilly.
Graddiodd hi yn 1926 â gradd mewn pensaernïaeth, yn ogystal â thystysgrif dosbarth-cyntaf mewn Dylunio Dinesig (Civic Design) o dan diwtoriaeth Professor Patrick Abercrombie.
Cafodd ei phenodi yn Gynorthwy-ydd Cynllunio Trefol (Town Planning Assistant) i’r Tynemouth and North Shields Corporation yn 1931. Yn ôl papurau newydd ar y pryd, hi oedd y fenyw gyntaf ym Mhrydain i cael penodiad o’r fath.
Norah Dunphy was the first woman in Britain to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Architecture.
She was originally from Llandudno and attended John Bright School.
She studied in the University of Liverpool under Professor Charles Reilly, and also obtained a first-class certificate in civic design under Professor Patrick Abercrombie.
She was appointed to the position of Town Planning Assistant to the Tynemouth and North Shields Corporation in 1931. According to newspapers at the time, she was the first woman in Britain receive a town planning appointment of that kind.
Darllen Pellach | Further reading:
The Liverpool Echo, Saturday, August 29, 1931. p.5.
Vote. Friday 11 September, 1931. p.294
E. Lois yw arlunydd Prosiect Drudwen, Rhithganfyddiad a phrosiect #GwrachodCymru, ymhlith pethau eraill. Mae hi ar Instagram fel @efalois a Twitter fel @efalois.
E. Lois is the illustrator of Prosiect Drudwen, Rhithganfyddiad and the #GwrachodCymru project. She is on Instagram as @efalois and Twitter as @efalois.