Margaret Evans – E. Lois


Cafodd Margaret Evans ei dwyn o flaen Llys Ynadon Caernarfon yn 1883, gan ei bod wedi cweryla â’i chymdoges Margaret Griffith. Roedd ieir Margaret Griffiths wedi crwydro i iard Margaret Evans, ac aeth Margaret Evans ar ei gliniau a darllen pennod o’r Beibl iddynt gan eu melltithio. Pan gofynnwyd i Margaret Evans ymateb i’r cyhuddiad yn y llys, dwedodd fod Margaret Griffith wedi taflu cerrig ati, a’i bod yn bechod gadael iddi fyw o gwbl.

Darllen Pellach:

Gwrachod Cymru Ddoe a Heddiw – Eirlys Gruffydd (p.33)

E. Lois yw arlunydd Prosiect Drudwen, Rhithganfyddiad a phrosiect #GwrachodCymru, ymhlith pethau eraill. Mae hi ar Instagram fel @efalois a Twitter fel @efalois


Margaret Evans was taken to court in Caernarfon in 1883, because she had argued with her neighbour Margaret Griffiths. Margaret Griffiths’ hens had wandered into Margaret Evans’ garden, and Margaret Evans had gotten on her knees and read a verse of the Bible to the hens, cursing them. When Margaret Evans was asked to respond to the accusation in court, she said that Margaret Griffiths had thrown stones at her, and it was a pity to let her live. 

Further Reading:

Gwrachod Cymru Ddoe a Heddiw – Eirlys Gruffydd (p.33)

E. Lois is the illustrator of Prosiect Drudwen, Rhithganfyddiad and the #GwrachodCymru project. She is on Instagram as @efalois and Twitter as @efalois.